Toxin Rid Personal Review: My Experience With These Detox Pills
Big American employers continue to force drug screening on everyone – even in states where marijuana is legal. And I, James from Colorado, like smoking some weed with my friends from time to time – hell, the laws of my state allow it! But to get a decent paying job at Walmart or Target, I still need to pass the drug tests. Luckily, my buddy told me about Toxin Rid detox pills that come in handy for this case.
I went to the Internet and found out that there are hundreds of TestClear Toxin Rid reviews! And most of them were positive, so I decided to try these pills and describe what are they capable of. A tiny spoiler here: I passed my test. So, here’s my experience about it.
#1 THC Detox Pills
Toxin Rid Pills |
Urine Simulation Kit (Powdered Human Urine+Heater) |
Mega Clean Drink + PreCleanse Pills |
What Are Toxin Rid Pills And How Do They Work?
During my research I’ve found that there are lots of detox pills to help guys like me beat those annoying drug tests. On the other hand, there’s a huge chance of ordering some useless scam, and losing your money and your job. So, I made some thorough research about Toxin Rid pills.
My friends asked me – do detox pills work for drug test? And now I can tell that Toxin Rid detox pills can do miracles for marijuana users trying to beat drug tests. Their secret is simple: the awesome formula, proven by science and decades, kicks toxins out of your body, giving you a permanent drug detox. Sounds easy, yeah? But trust me – it’s not easy to achieve!
Who Makes Them
Toxin Rid pills are manufactured by Testclear – a company with a proven track record on detox market. These guys work for 28 years – they know how to produce these supplements and help people with issues like mine!
Where to buy Toxin Rid detox pills? Only directly from Testclear company. The products of Testclear include detox pills, drinks, and even some shampoos to pass hair drug tests. I’m so happy that I am not obliged to undergo a hair follicle test – they are the hardest to beat. Cannabis stays in your hair for 2-3 months and is really hard to wash out.
That’s how Toxin Rid looks on the manufacturer’s website.
Toxin Rid Ingredients
These pills work in a cool multi-step way, targeting different paths to kick toxins to the curb. They turbocharge your liver to break down and flush out THC remnants permanently. Plus, they’re soft with your kidneys, helping them filter toxins and protecting from harm. They have some herbal stuff, as well as vitamins and minerals. All of this works as a cocktail to cleanse your body.
The ingredients of Toxin Rid pills are:
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Sodium
- Boron
- Chloride
- Extract of Alfalfa leaf
- Iron
- Calcium
- Kelp
- Powdered Psyllium Husk
- Dietary Fiber
Toxin Rid Programs & Prices
Toxin Rid detox pills to pass drug test isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. Need a quick fix? Grab the 1-day detox. Or go big with the 7-day detox for a deep cleanse. Perfect for all kinds of THC users—whether you’re facing a surprise test or just want a total detox of your body.
- 1-Day Program: $54.95 – 15 tablets, 1 fluid ounce detox liquid, 1 ounce dietary fiber.
- 2-Day Program: $59.95 – 30 tablets, detox drink, and dietary fiber (similar to one-day kit).
- 3-Day Program: $69.95 – 45 tablets, detox drink, and dietary fiber
- 4-Day Program: $89.95 – 60 tablets, detox drink, dietary fiber.
- 5-Day Program: $109.95 – 75 tablets, same components as previous kits.
- 7-Day Program: $153.95 – 105 tablets, consistent components.
- Toxin Rid 10 day detox: $189.95 – 150 tablets, same components as the seven-day kit.
As I’ve found, the 1-day kit is for light users of THC – not totally my case. My usage can be considered at least moderate, so I read some Toxin Rid 5 day detox reviews, opted for 5 Day Toxin Rid Detox program and spent $109.95 on it. That’s not the cheapest thing I’ve bought. But later I admitted that these pills were worth every cent.
So, let’s talk about my drug-testing-passing experience with Toxin Rid.
#1 THC Detox Pills
Toxin Rid Pills |
Urine Simulation Kit (Powdered Human Urine+Heater) |
Mega Clean Drink + PreCleanse Pills |
My Story And My Personal Toxin Rid Review
My name is James Coleman, and I was born in Fort Collins, Colorado. I’m just an average man – 32 years old, 5′ 9″ high. Also, I’m slightly overweight with my 190 lbs. Why do I mention my weight? It is also important when you’re choosing a detox supplement!
That’s me.
A Job That Could Change My Life
For last years I kept going with some accidental earnings. This COVID crisis and panic really messed me up. And now, in 2023, with prices going through the roof, it’s even tougher. Paying the bills has become a real headache. But hey, I’m not throwing in the towel – I’ve finally found a job that will help me stand firm and build some plans for the future.
“Warehouse worker at Target, $21 per hour”. I came across this job post after many weeks – and felt really happy. They were offering a job that suited me – I’ve worked at smaller warehouses before, so I can do all of this stuff. And the warehouse appeared to be in my city, just in a mile from my house!
I applied for this job immediately, and they answered me. I’ve passed the first interview successfully, and then came the second one. Finally, their HR told me that that my candidacy suits them well and they would like to hire me. But also he informed me that my future role would require a mandatory drug screen.
This really astonished me. Of course, I won’t use any drugs at work, that’s a clear way to be fired! But recreational use is allowed in Colorado, and I have nothing against a joint or two on the weekend with my buddies. So, I understood that there were some – perhaps lots of – THC residues in my body, and that I will fail a drug test.
My Detox Supplements Research
I had only a few days to answer “yes” and to pass a drug test. Typically, it’s scheduled in 24 hours after you accept the job offer. So, I started searching for a solution that could help me get the job and grant my future. Also, I have to say that I’ve never tried to do any kind of drug detoxing before – and I didn’t know anything about this stuff.
Detoxify Mega Clean
The first thing that I came across was a detox drink called Detoxify Mega Clean. “Sounds good”, – I said and start learning about it. After reading some reviews I realized that detox drinks are made to detox your body really quickly, but only temporarily. You have to pee a lot during the next hours. After that, you will be clean for 3-5 hours, and you have to pass your test during that window.
This particular drink was quite good, with natural ingredients, and lots of people used it and wrote about it on the web. But one thing stopped me from choosing Mega Clean. That “clean window” of 3-5 hours – it’s really short! You get stuck in a traffic jam – and you fail your drug test? No, thanks. Detoxify has its positives, like fast THC removal and lower price, but still – not my choice. So, I started to look for a permanent detox product.
Toxin Rid
While reading various text reviews and watching video reviews of detox products, I kept coming across one name. These cleansing pills,Toxin Rid, were recommended most often as the highest quality product available on the market. And there were literally hundreds and hundreds of positive comments from its fans.
I thought it couldn’t be just a coincidence, so I researched all about these pills in detail. They act strong, their formula is really potent, and they offer permanent detoxification of your system. There are lots of positive customer reviews – people are using these pills for years. And what finally convinced me is that Toxin Rid offers different detox programs for different cases.
It just makes sense. It tells you that the manufacturer really cares about people who are buying this stuff. You need different approaches and different dosages of detox pills for a person who uses marijuana once-twice a month, and for a person who smokes weed every day! So, let’s talk more about their detox programs.
Toxin Rid Detox Programs And Three-Part System
As I’ve mentioned before, Toxin Rid has several detox programs instead of just one-fits-all product. All of their programs include the detox pills (in different quantity), 1 ounce of dietary fiber, and 1 fluid ounce of detox liquid.
This three-part system is developed to help in getting rid from weed residues even faster and more efficiently. There are detailed instructions how to use these components in a proper way, and I’ll give them below. And here’s the information about their detox programs as I understand them:
- 1-Day Program – OK for very light THC exposure, maybe if you smoke 1-2 times a month.
- 2-Day Program – will work for occasional users of marijuana that have 2 days prior to a test.
- 3-Day Program – for people with low to moderate THC exposure.
- 4-Day Program – the “golden mean” of Toxin Rid, for those who smoke weed 1-2 times a week.
- 5-Day Program – that’s my choice, based on the time to test and my cannabis usage.
- 7-Day Program – nice one for heavy THC users that have a week prior to the test.
- 10-Day Program – will fit very heavy smokers or those who don’t have a time limitation.
My Personal Toxin Rid Experience
So, I’ve ordered my Toxin Rid 5-day detox program, for $109.95. I didn’t search for something like “Toxin Rid detox pills near me”, I’ve just ordered them from Testclear, the manufacturer. The product arrived just in 1 day, and I was amazed about this delivery speed.
My Toxin Rid 5-day detox
Inside the well-made bottle I’ve found…three another, different bottles. They appeared to be the detox pills, the detox liquid and the dietary fiber. Also, there were directions about what to do with all that stuff. If you forget how to use Toxin Rid pills – no need to freak out! All the instructions are written on the website of Testclear.
#1 THC Detox Pills
Toxin Rid Pills |
Urine Simulation Kit (Powdered Human Urine+Heater) |
Mega Clean Drink + PreCleanse Pills |
Toxin Rid Instructions
Step 1: The Pills
Take three tablets with 8 oz of water every hour for five days, not exceeding 15 tablets daily. Consume tablets simultaneously each day for optimal results. You should drink at least half a gallon of water daily. It’s also recommended to create adiet plan with fresh vegetables, fruits, and everything like that.
How long do detox pills take to work? It depends on your program, on your body weight and body mass index. Usually, it takes a few days to get weed out with Toxin Rid – and a few weeks or months without it!
Step 2: Detox Liquid
On the final day, take the detoxifying liquid two hours after the last set of Toxin Rid pills. Fast for two hours, then take half of the detox liquid with 8 to 16 oz of water. Wait two hours before consuming the other half. Also, you should avoid eating or drinking anything during these intervals.
Step 3: Dietary Fiber
Use this step if a drug test is scheduled between day one and day four after detox. Mix dietary fiber in 8 oz of water one hour before the test, and drink within two minutes. Then wait 15 minutes, drink 16 oz of water, and urinate two or three times before taking the test. It helps to flush out any remaining toxins.
What Did I Do
I had 5 days to my test, so I’ve tried to do all my best to cleanse my system. I was really drinking at least half a gallon of water daily – a thing I’ve never done before. That caused a lot of urination, of course. And I swallowed 15 Toxin Rid cleansing pills per day with this water – three pills every two hours. Don’t take 15 tablets at once – this may result in diarrhea or something worse!
I’ve also embraced a healthier lifestyle with some kind of a diet plan. I loaded up on fresh vegetables, fruits, and lean meats for optimal well-being. They say that incorporating these habits into your detoxification journey can bring the best results. My job and my future were as stake, so I’ve done all this and more!
On the final day, I’ve used detox fiber and liquid. I hope I did everything right – I felt very nervous and worried about the test. But later I got myself together and came to the lab facility. At Target, they have their own contractor to do the tests. AFAIR, it’s called Accurate Background.
There was nothing scary about the process of urine drug testing itself. The employees were really polite, they gave me a container and took me to the toilet. Nobody was watching when I delivered my urine sample into that bottle – it wasn’t a supervised test. Of course, I was nervous, but I tried not to show my worries to them.
After two days, I’ve received a letter from this lab. And my test was clear! I was over the moon about this! Toxin Rid pills did their job – and that’s why I’ve got my job. So, does Toxin Rid really work? Yes, it does! I can recommend these pills for everyone who wants to get weed out of your system.
Toxin Rid Pros and Cons
Permanent Detox: Offers a permanent detox solution by eliminating toxins from the body.
Proven Formula: Toxin Rid pills have an effective formula backed by science and decades of success.
Manufacturer Reputation: Manufactured by Testclear, a reputable company with 28 years of experience in the detox market.
Multi-Step Action: Works through a multi-step process, targeting different pathways to eliminate toxins.
Varied Programs: Offers detox programs of different durations, catering to various needs.
Fast Shipping and Money-Back Guarantee: If something goes wrong, you can ask your money back.
The Price: Their detox programs can be relatively expensive, with prices ranging from $54.95 to $189.95.
No Instant Action: These pills take time to have effect. But it’s needed to clean you permanently.
Lots of Water Needed: You need to drink gallons of water with Toxin Rid pills.
#1 THC Detox Pills
Toxin Rid Pills |
Urine Simulation Kit (Powdered Human Urine+Heater) |
Mega Clean Drink + PreCleanse Pills |
To Sum It Up
As you can see from my experience, Toxin Rid pills are a legit solution to any drug test you are facing. They just work and do what you expect – make you clean from drug residues. This takes some time and the price isn’t very low, but it’s how things work. If you want a good product – you should pay for it. I would definitely recommend Toxin Rid for everyone!