The Urinator: My Personal Experience

Test-cheat devices like The Urinator are becoming popular, and we all know why — the prevalence of urine drug tests. Drug tests are typically tricky, but the urine drug test is even more tricky because of the extra attention lab technicians pay to the process. Unfortunately, for most stoners, employers generally prefer this kind of test because of how easy and painless they consider it. The United States federal law even mandates it for some kinds of jobs. Urine drug tests detect the presence of cannabis and other drugs in your urine. It also detects the drug metabolites and other biomarkers that suggest use or misuse.

Let me guess — you’ve landed on this article because you’re scheduled for a urine drug test and wondering what options are open to you. I’ve been there before, and that’s why I’m writing to tell you how I managed my situation using The Urinator drug test kit. Let’s dive right into it.

The Urinator

Description of The Urinator

Put simply: Urinator is designed to help your synthetic urine maintain the perfect body temperature until you submit it for testing. The Urinator provides a four-hour window for sample submission, ensuring ample time for lab testing before the synthetic urine cools. The difference with similar devices is that the Urinator device contains a digitally-controlled self-heating element attached to the medical-grade bag to keep synthetic urine warm for hours. Other urine simulation equipment will require you to strap hand warmers to your synthetic urine sample. However, these heat packs tend to fall off, etc. Sure, you already know how important it is to keep your sample warm until the test time. Temperature is the number one proof of authenticity as far as urine for drug testing is concerned. The Urinator uses power from two 9-volt batteries to keep your synthetic urine at the perfect temperature until you’re ready to use it.

What’s in it?

This battery-powered urine warmer has multiple items to help you warm your urine sample, carry it around, and present it to the lab technician at the right time. The contents of the kit include:

  • Powdered urine
  • 60ml syringe
  • 1 self-regulated silicone heater
  • One 100 ml dual-port medical grade pouch or bag equipped with a liquid crystal thermometer (the IV bag comes attached with a clamp and vinyl tubing)
  • 1 digital controller
  • A thermal insulation blanket
  • User manual
  • Stainless steel rod that features a temperature sensor.

It’s important to note that The Urinator is a reusable device for holding and heating your synthetic urine.


The Urinator is manufactured by Innovative Research Technology, Inc., a company that has been producing top-quality urine substitution devices since 1998. The company’s decades of experience mean that it puts everything into producing a top-notch device that guarantees to store and warm fake urine samples for hours. Therefore, you can keep your synthetic urine sample at perfect temperature until you’re ready for the test.

From the company’s website, it’s easy to see that each Urinator kit has been listed for $169.95. Unlike most other urine holders, this kit is only available on the manufacturer’s website, so I had to go all the way to the website to order.

The money-back-guarantee the company offers was also an additional motivation for me to try the product. After all, I’d get my money back (minus shipping), if I was not satisfied with the product’s performance.

Who am I?

Yes, I know you’re dying to read what I have to say about this product, but I must myself how I used the Urinator to pass drug test before continuing my review. I am Margaret, a middle-aged African American who’s worked at Walgreens Storage as a customer service associate for five years. I love my job and resume daily with enthusiasm, knowing I’m helping people get the best experience with the company. However, my experience and everything I had achieved over the years almost crumbled in January when I almost lost my job. Mr Maggi, my line manager, emailed us that Monday morning, informing us that the company had scheduled a drug test for all employees later that week. I have had years of experience, even before Walmart, but it was the first time I would undergo a drug test.

Facing the Test Dilemma

As I stared blankly at the screen of my computer that morning, reality came rushing to me. I was about to lose a job I loved so much.

Don’t judge me — we’ll have our habits and addictions. Mine is marijuana — my happy companion since I lost my husband seven years ago. I’ve always believed that occasional drags don’t cause anybody any harm. But here I was, about to lose a job and face potential prosecution because of what I never thought was serious. How would I explain to the lab technician or employers that I only dragged my weed occasionally and outside work hours?

The Search for a Solution

The more I thought, the more I got convinced that I had only one option — find a way to beat the drug test or face the harsh reality of having to face the law. I swung into action, searching several marijuana platforms for any available solution. Of course, I saw several potential solutions, but most were synthetic urine. How do I move synthetic urine into the lab and at the right temperature? You guessed rightly — The Urinator drug test kit. After more research into the product, I was convinced it’d help me pass the test.

The Turning Point

That was the turning point for passing my urine drug test. What I discovered was not only a pee substitute that I could use, but I also discovered how to keep pee warm for drug tests. I ordered the product from the company’s website and received it as promised. I could see from the product’s packaging that the company has paid the right amount of importance to quality. Needless to say, it helped me pass the test without issues, and I’m still employed. I’ve decided to write my Urinator review to help any stoner who’s struggling to pass a urine drug test.

The Urinator & Monkey Whizz Synthetic Urine Holder

While searching for the right device to hold urine for drug tests, I found many urination devices. Most of them made ambiguous claims that made me suspicious. However, one option that caught my attention besides The Urinator is the Monkey Whizz synthetic urine holder. I researched more about it but decided to stick with Urinator. If you’re wondering how the two products differ, here’s a table that compares both popular urination devices to help you make an excellent choice.

Urinator Monkey Whizz
A urine storage device Fake urine solution
Maintains perfect urine temperature Urine may go cold without proper maintenance
Available only on the manufacturer’s website Available in major online stores
Quite expensive Not so expensive

Why I Chose The Urinator?

With so many urination devices in the market, you’d probably wonder why I chose the Urinator. First, it’s important to note that I came across the most popular brands during my search, so I knew exactly what I was going into. However, what particularly stood out about this product was the testimony of one Magdalene (35), a middle-aged woman like me. The resemblance of her story to mine inspired and gave me the courage to face my test. A few more positive Urinator reviews here and there, and I was convinced about its efficiency. I soon changed my search to “where to buy Urinator”

Initial Impressions and Packaging

When I first saw the urinator heating device, I was impressed by the attention paid to packaging details. I was also impressed by the addition of a detailed instruction manual to help novices like me use the product well. I followed every instruction in the manual, and it helped me pass my test. Impressed by the amount of help I got from this product, I went back to research more about the product, and that’s why I know so much about it. Let me break down the steps I followed while using this product here.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using The Urinator

Firstly, I gathered everything I needed for the process, which included the fake urine and all the instruments in the Urinator kit. Although the instruction manual was written in a simple and easy-to-follow manner, I still took the time to carefully study it because I realized how important usage instruction is to any process. Without carefully understanding and following it, I would make silly mistakes, which can make me fail my urine drug test. So, I took the time to read everything about this electric urine warmer for a drug test. Armed with the right information, I was ready to start using it. Below are the steps I followed.

  • I got the package and carefully unboxed it, ensuring that I didn’t scratch or break any of the parts during the process. I compared what’s in the pack with what’s listed in the manual to be sure everything is complete and intact.
  • Next, I took the powdered urine sample in the pack and mixed it with about 85 ml of warm water. I stirred until I had the perfect solution before pouring it into the device till it was full.

The Urinator Kit

  • Before resealing, I removed as much air as possible from the bag, ensuring that the content was only the fake urine mixture and nothing more. I resealed the tube by placing the cap.
  • Next, I placed the attached battery into the silicon heater.

The Urinator Kit

  • With the batteries intact, I folded the insulating blankets and secured the velcro strap before allowing the device to heat the urine to the recommended temperature (36-38°C).
  • During and after heating the urine, I used the stainless steel rods with temperature probes to test the urine’s temperature.

Pros and Cons of the Urinator Device

While researching the Urinator device, I found many unique characteristics that can pass as advantages and disadvantages. Can you use the device to hold urine for drug tests? Yes, you can. But that’s not to say it doesn’t have its few disadvantages compared to other brands. Some disadvantages are expected in every urination device, while others may surprise you. Here, look at some pros and cons I found.


  • I found the design of the digital temperature control exciting since it comes with computerized controllers that are efficiently sealed to avoid electric shock.
  • I also love the vinyl tubing, which is specially designed to make the process of emptying the cup easier. There’s also a clip that helps manage the flow of fake urine from the bag.
  • The company thoughtfully added an insulating blanket for added safety. So you can carry the device on a waist strap or in any part of your body without feeling burns from the heater.
  • It is compact and easily concealable. So whether you’re testing at home or going to the lab for your test, you can rest assured that you’ll remain discreet and unnoticed.
  • Designed to keep urine warm for drug tests for up to four hours. That’s enough time to get to thze testing venue, run your tests, and leave the lab while maintaining the perfect temperature for your fake urine.


  • Although I consider it a good value for money, it doesn’t change the fact that the device is still relatively expensive, and many people may be unable to afford it when preparing for an unscheduled drug test.
  • Even with the availability of a detailed instruction manual, I still found that the device needs some level of practice before use. You may not have enough time for any practice if you’re preparing for a next-day urine drug test.
  • The need for accurate measurement when preparing the urine solution can make it a bit difficult to use.
  • The Urinator is only obtainable from the company’s official website, which I consider quite stressful for people ordering from outside the United States.


In conclusion, there are many alternatives out there, but if you’ve read this article to this point, you can be assured that your best bet is to use an Urinator for drug tests. Before using it, you must read and understand all the Urinator kit instructions in the instruction manual. Many people recommend it as the right urination device because of its reliability. However, it’s also important to note that the legality of synthetic urine may vary from location to location, and that can affect your ability to purchase The Urinator. Therefore, I recommend looking up the law in your area to know what’s acceptable. Also, it makes sense to buy from the manufacturer’s website. You may see people offering to sell in weed forums. I do not completely trust such sales since I don’t know them and cannot guarantee they’ll be sincere.